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who thought that you could use a chuckle or two.

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Panama, The Finale

Now… where were we?

Oh yes, trailing behind Racin’ “Ace” back down the hill to the bus for the loooong schlep back to the ship. 

No Tchotchke Shop was endangered on the trip back. 

Once back at the Port of Colon, we questioned if it was wise to venture out into the depressed area outside the port to hike back to the Super Mercado we passed on the way in, to lug a 6 pack of liters of Spring water back to the ship [about half a mile each way]. As opposed to paying $3.00 [+18%] per can of spring water onboard.  Fortuntely the Templeshifs, with bar casino privileges have been graciously getting us a can or two as needed.  Ok… No Hike. 

Now the reason to prefer the canned water [Royal is endeavoring to go GREEN and is eschewing plastic bottles] over the perfectly potable water that comes from the tap and in the dining room, is that it comes from the onboard desalinization system that supposedly distills the water to a pure state. Some lines use reverse osmosis that is supposed to do the same. Try as they may, it still manages to contain a higher sodium content than normal.  And we all know what happens to our ankles when we ingest too much salt [sodium].  

We found this out on a previous cruise when, in the spa we complained of swollen legs after 6 days at sea.  The Spa Tech [on the down low] clued us in on the possible higher sodium content of the ships water.  Now the cruise lines swear that the water meets the standards of the W.H.O. and the U.S. Public Health Service on ships sailing into and out of U.S. ports of call.  But OUR ankles and Steve’s legs tell a different tale. 

Moving on… 

Once back onboard, time to relax, refresh and head to Happy Hour in the Schooner and Claudia’s expertly crafted cocktails.

Dinner this evening was uneventful however, Ellen got a glimpse of tomorrows boring dinner menu and asked Gabriel, the always hovering Asst. Matre d’, if she could maybe get something more exciting, say Veal Marsala.

He apologized that they didn’t have the veal onboard to do that but offered Chicken Marsala instead.  OK, she and Dragon Chick would try that. 

After dinner digestives and casino play rounded out the evening, with Steve making a significant withdrawal from Crap table coffers.  Chucky and Lenny on the other hand, made  minor deposits. 

Nonny-Nonny land soon beckoned as tomorrow was another early day as they had a "Sea Rumba" tour of Cartagena.

Ciao 4 Now

Uncle Chuck The So Over Chasn’ “Ace”, 

Dragon Lady

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