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who thought that you could use a chuckle or two.

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To Sail, or Not to Sail.

Last we saw of our erstwhile wannabe cruisers, they were sweating the results of the Covid 19 Rapid test from both Curative and CVS.
In between time, final preparations and packing was under way, which for the most part as mentioned before was fairly smooth.
Now it was just waiting…
Still Waiting…
Bing…. Bing… Bing – HER phone is going wild and she thinks the email and text are Spam.
Tweet… Tweet… Tweet – His phone signals, he sees the Text, followed by and email and…
Ahhh… results of Your Covid 19 Test from the State of Florida?!?  They were supposed to come in via Curative.  Sooooo?!??
He finally convinces HER to retrieve the supposed “spam” Mail and Text, on her phone and… same note from the State:
Now to wait for the results from CVS, “Si A Caso” [just in case], on the Special My Chart app they had to download since the results won't come on their regular Memorial My Chart [don’t Ask]. 
It might also come in via His Quest Diagnostics account since that’s where CVS is sending it.  But he’s not holding his breath on that one.
Still the anxiety of RCCL not accepting the Curative test is lingering, but HE thinks since it has a State of Florida Seal on the PDF file there should be no problem.
The rest of Tuesday was last minute add-ons to HER wardrobe since he accidently let HER know that HE had a bit more room than anticipated.  But to be fair, HE’s throwing some Dis ‘n’ Dat of his own in the bags until by Wednesday he was taking stuff out to put other stuff in. 
Sure sounds like another Packing Ballet to me!
Not really, because by Wednesday night HE was getting both bags closed without having to sit on them and still has a niche here and a slot there for more Dis ‘n’ Dat.
Thursday rolls around and they’re up early waiting on Cristina to show up and by 11:30 still no word from CVS.
Ya know What?  Screw ‘em.  RCCL will just have to take the Curative tests results, or he may have to play the:
“Do we need to call the VP of OPS Mark Tamis” card [he does have Mark’s direct line and email] if the check in dudes balk.
Cristina and Greg show on time and by 12:15 with bags loaded they are headed to the Jewel of the Seas at the Port of Miami via I-95 to I-395 and threw the new Port Tunnel with Greg groaning all the way about,
How cum yer not goin’ outta Port Everglades… it’s closer”
As the Dragon Chick calmly explains that the Jewel doesn’t Dock in Ft. Lauderdale.  It’s not like the Water Taxi that makes stops up and down the Intercostal.
“Well maybe they should!” he still grumbles.
Now if you haven’t been to the Port of Miami through the tunnel, [well of course you haven't if your not in Florida] it’s so smooth that it’s almost confusing. What with all the Covid reduction of Cruise traffic it was EMPTY. 
Now Chucky is expecting signs and directions to the various ships [as it is at Port Everglades - YES Greg…] however with the new entrance via the tunnel, there are only directions to terminals A-B-C, etc. so ya gotta know what's where or your bound to get lost.
Now, Chucky knows that Royal Caribbean’s Home Terminal is A so that’s where he heads… only to arrive to a totally deserted Terminal A.  
He doesn’t recall any instructions as to which other terminal the Jewel may be at so he hurriedly  calls the Templeshifs, who, having come in the night before and stayed at a hotel by the Airport, had taken the last hotel shuttle to the port at 11:30 and were already onboard.
Uh… ya gotta come in through Terminal D Chucky”, didn’t you get the memo?’

Uh, no Lenny, or else the Stubborn Little Sicilian Man would NOT have Confidently headed straight to Terminal A.  

Sheesh!  Put up Better Signage MIAMI!

Once at Terminal D, bags out and on the Porters Dolly, Hugs around with Greg still grumbling about having to come ALL-The-Way Back to Miami in 10 days to retrieve them, the Wacky American Tourist and the Ever-Lovely Dragon Lady head in to TERMINAL D, for a smoother than ever check in. 

The Curative Test Results were accepted [without having to call the corporate office – They really do have this mass checking procedure down to a digital science].
And with that our Feisty Travelers are sitting with the Templeshifs, and their Lotto Line Cohorts, Steve & Ellen [last names withheld as mentioned, and hereafter referred to as S&E] by 1:30PM on the Aft deck of the Windjammer Buffet, sipping lemonade and having a knosh.

Then a Quick trip to the dining room to secure the same table and wait staff  for the whole trip, which did not go exactly as they planned but will get worked out the first night.

We’ll catch up with them in the next episode, once the baggage arrives at their room and they settle in to meet for Happy Hour in, where else but the Schooner Bar before dinner.

Ciao 4 Now
Uncle Chuck & The Happy They Found the Boat,
Dragon Lady

1 comment:

  1. I know a couple named Steve & Ellen Evans who live in Hernando, FL. If your travel companions are THAT S&E, say hello to them. Enjoy your trip.
